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Geoscience ›› 2012, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 555-559.

• Petroleum geology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Volumetric Method of Shale Gas Reserve Calculation and A Case Application

 XU  Hai-Xia, JI  Mei, DIAO  Shu-Fu   

  1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development,PetroChina, Beijing100083, China
  • Received:2011-12-20 Revised:2012-02-21 Online:2012-06-07 Published:2012-06-14


Shale gas is one of the most important types of the unconventional natural gas resource which has received more and more attention in recent years. The accumulation mechanism, existing phase and the distribution characteristics of shale gas differ greatly from conventional natural gas and its reserve calculation methods are also different. This paper discusses the special characteristics of shale gas reservoirs. It is presented that the gas has a dualstoragemode and reservoir accumulation mechanism is a mixed one. Based on this, this paper puts forward an effective reserve calculation volumetric method used in the early stage of shale gas exploration and development.  The special gas storage includes both free gas mode and adsorbed gas mode. Free gas content was calculated in accordance to the method used in conventional natural gas reservoir; while the adsorbed gas content calculation referred to the coalbed methane reserve calculation which was relatively mature nowadays. Finally, a successful real data application to Pearsall shale gas asset valuation of North America was introduced.

Key words: shale gas, reserve calculation, volumetric method, free gas content, adsorbed gas content