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Information for Authors

  • Imformations for author

    Authors are asked to submit new manuscripts online through the Editorial Manager http://www.geoscience.net.cn/journalx_xddz/authorLogOn.action, where they can track their manuscripts from submission through publication.

    Papers submitted to the GEOSCIENCE must not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

    Papers submitted to the GEOSCIENCE should not, for the most part, contain previously reported material. The overlap of contents between related papers should be kept to a minimum and normally should be confined to introductory/review sections.

    One author will act as the corresponding author for multi-authored manuscripts. All authors involved in the work approved the paper and agreed to its submission. All authors must verify their information and involvement when the paper is submitted (an email is sent through the Editorial Manager system).

    Papers are reviewed for technical merit, quality of scientific content, and utility of the results for practicing geologists. Two or more referees review Articles, E&P Notes, Geologic Notes, and Geohorizons papers; Discussions and Replies are reviewed by an assigned Associate Editor and possibly by one or more referee.

    Reviewers are asked to treat papers as confidential material.

    The GEOSCIENCE Editor's judgment with respect to suitability for publication is final.

    GEOSCIENCE is responsible for page layout and figure sizing for all accepted papers.

    All papers accepted for publication will be asked to pay voluntary charges of ¥300 per page.

    Submission Formats

    Text and Tables

    Microsoft Word WordPerfect and PDF


    TIFF created from the following supported applications

    Adobe Illustrator

    Adobe Photoshop

    Corel Photo-Paint

    Corel Draw

    Claris Draw

    Deneba Canvas

    Macromedia Freehand


    File Preparation


    Save text ?les in their original application.


    Save tables without rules and borders. Create or embed tables in the text ?le. Do not save each table as a separate ?le.


    Save graphics ?les in the TIFF format with a Macintosh preview (color preview for color ?les), when possible.

    Save graphics at the recommended resolutions for acceptable quality for printing. Resolutions in graphics ?les must be at least 600 dpi.

    Reference style

    The reference style refers to GB/T 7714-2015 Information and documentation- Rules for bibliographic references and citations to information resources.

    These may only contain citations and should list only one publication with each number. Include the title of the cited article or dataset.

    Text Citations

    All references cited in the manuscript must be listed in the References Cited.

    Names, spellings, and dates between the text and the References Cited must be consistent.

    Unpublished references must be cited as personal communications and should not be listed in the References Cited.

    References Cited

    All references must be complete and accurate.

    Referencing works accepted for publication but not yet published is discouraged. However, when vital to the manuscript, cite as “in press;” with no year given.

    Order of Cited Information

    Journal Article: author name(s), title of article, name of journal, year of publication, volume number, issue number (optional), page numbers.

    Book Article: author name(s), title of article, editor(s) of book, title of book, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, page range.

    Book: author or editor name(s), title of book, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages.

    Map: author name(s), title of work, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of sheets.

    Thesis: author name, title of work, name of the degree, city of location, university, year of publication, number of pages.

    Internet: author name(s), year of publication or last revision, title of document, title of complete work (if applicable), date of access, URL.

  • 2023-09-14 Visited: 2205